Sunday, July 8, 2007

Our Modes of Transportation

For the past 9 months, we have traveled in the
city by large bus (pictured above), mini bus (white "bus"
in the picture with the children), metro, taxi, walking,
or hitching a ride with someone on our team with a car.
There have been many challenges without having a vehicle,
but we have learned more about the
city and learned more about the driving here. In the fall,
our company will be providing a vehicle for us.

Benjamin walking into our apartment.
It looks like it has been a long day.
Benjamin loves to dance. The girls, I think,
are being entertained.

1 comment:

Mom of Eleven said...

Dear Guice Family,
Greetings from our home to yours. How amazing to view all that has been happening to you on this journey. I have just signed on as a blogger, so hopefully we can communicate in this way.
You all look great and I heard your mom is coming that way soon!!
Wendy and The whole family