Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Celebrating 14 years of Marriage!

Little did we know when we met 17 years ago while attending UGA, what an adventure our lives would be. Four months after we were married, Holly's dad passed away. We lived in Rome for seven years while Merril worked as a pharmacist.

We then felt the Lord leading us and our two children to move overseas and work in Thailand. This was another growing time for all of us emotionally and spiritually. We found true contentment and strength from the Father during our time there. Our third child was born there.

After returning to the States, we lived and prayed about where God would have us next. Our fourth child was born and two years later, we ventured out on another journey to our present home... Central Asia. We have been here over 2 1/2 years now and have had challenging but yet rewarding experiences. We have made many friends and have grown to love the people here.

We are so blessed to have each other and have 14 amazing years together as husband and wife. It has been a great adventure thus far!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Trip out of the city

We all enjoyed a day trip outside the city. The last time we drove outside the city was in October so this was a much needed trip just to get away and enjoy some view without buildings, people, and pollution in the air. The kids loved climbing the rocks and picknicing. We were all amazed that we could actually smell the sea water.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Boulevard Fun

Caleb and Merril brave The Human Wheel

Tilt a Whirlllll...a family favorite!

Construction always seems to be going on in the city. The sun shining is always a wonderful feeling after a cold and windy winter.

Hold on Boys!

What can we ride next?

Waiting for the pirate ship ride to begin...Caleb is several rows behind us trying to get as high as he can. I was very content to be in the middle with Benjamin.

My neighbor, Seva and her daughter, Mushgal came over after our time at the boulevard to present a gift of food and sweets for Novruz.

Delicious sweets for Novruz

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bowling Fun!

This Spring Break was our third year to take a trip to the city bowling alley. We caught it on the day they were having a huge party for Novruz (the holiday to welcome Spring) with lots of students, music and dancing. No one was interested in bowling so we had the lanes to ourselves.

Isabel even rolled the ball down the lane with her cast on!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Boys Jammin' and Hammin' it Up!

This semester Caleb's class studied events, leaders, and happenings around the world from the past 60 years. They even dressed up for each decade. I pulled the camera out for the 80s to capture the tightrolled jeans, mohawk, raised collar, and boom box! We added some blue for a touch of punk.

Benjamin jumped into Merril's shoes for a cool pose too!

Monday, March 2, 2009

A Broken Arm!

Isabel twisted her arm falling from the couch and we treated it as a mild sprain. After two days of complaining of pain when she moved it and not using it at all, we decided to carry her to the local clinic in our neighborhood. The xray showed no fracture but he said it still needed to be splinted. We then drove to the local pharmacy and bought the plaster and went back to the clinic for the doctor to cast it up. An eventful day, especially in another country.

Isabel's friends at Preschool waiting patiently to sign her cast. Miss Kamala writes "I Love You" inside a heart.