Monday, November 20, 2006

Welcome to our Home

We are so blessed to be in our apartment! Most apartments here are usually fully furnished but this one was not. Meaning, within several days/weeks we needed to buy everything to make it a "home". Our teammates helped in so many ways to get furniture, appliances, etc.... This was a huge help due to the fact that we know zero language. Hopefully, once our crate arrives we will be able to make it even more "homey" with pictures, blankets, toys, kitchen stuff and books!

Friday, November 3, 2006

Hanging Clothes Out

We are so thankful for the apartment that we are staying in while we look for an apartment of our own. Holly and Isabel are hanging "blankie" out to dry.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Laura Grace wants to help too. She is such a big helper.
Many things take much longer here to do than in the States. For instance, most people do not own dryers so clothes are lined dry. The problem is when cool weather and rains set in, clothes are brought inside and take much longer to dry. Gas fireplaces, electric heaters and radiators speed the drying up.