Monday, October 25, 2010

Pitter patter down the hall,
Fingerprints and crayons on the walls.
Oh the time, how it quickly goes.
It seems just yesterday we were counting your toes.

Pitter patter of those precious feet,
Your first tiny step, for our hands to meet.
And my heart rejoiced but was oh, so torn.
If you could only stay young just a few years more.

My grandaddy says, treasure this time,
Enjoy the sounds of pit pat and nursery rhymes.
For very soon the day will come
When these sounds are only an echo and distant 

I thank you Lord for the pitter patter of those feet,
Messy hands, noisy rooms, and coloring to complete
For too soon the day will come when those feet grow
bigger, strides grow longer and sounds grow softer,
And the steps of pitter patter feet are only a 
memory in our minds.

I wrote this poem 4 years ago after we spent the day with my grandparents. I remember so vividly my grandfather taking me to the side and telling me to enjoy these days while they are little. They will grow up so fast, he said.  Well, he was right.  Today, our youngest just showed us how she made her own cereal and poured her own milk.  "Look mommy, I didn't make a mess!"  Our 7 year old was so excited to show me a new game he had invented for us to play and had written out the rules. Our 10 year old was side by side with me in the kitchen helping to prepare a meal, and our oldest now proudly stands beside me reminding me that he is as big as I am and has surpassed my shoe size! 

Even though they are getting older and bigger and things are different from when they were so little, I am enjoying where they are now.  The late night talks with my oldest are priceless.  The excitement in our youngest daughter's eyes as she proudly showed the empty space in her mouth from her lost tooth was precious.  The laughter in the kitchen and special stories shared with my 10 year old while cooking are a treasure to me.  And the sweet and pure confessions of a 7 year old before going to sleep are beautiful. 

The years are forever moving forward and the moments forever changing.  I can't remember them all.  I want to.  I guess that is why I love taking so many pictures. I love looking back.  I love remembering. But many times this makes me regret missed opportunities, regret time lost, even be saddened by change.  I want to enjoy them in the present.  Here and now.  I am so blessed to be part of their lives.  God is so amazingly good and loving to entrust these children into our care.  May I treasure each day with them and enjoy being with them and watching them grow.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This was taken after my grandfather reminded me of the 
pitter patter of our children's feet and how quickly the sound
will pass.  It's of our youngest daughter four years ago.
I quickly grabbed my camera and snapped it while she was dancing 
on the wet pavement after a summer rain.
 She is now six and, thankfully, I still hear the pitter patter
of her feet, along with our other three children.  But many times I 
don't listen for it.  I become preoccupied with the routines and fast pace
of life.  Children grow up way too fast.  Help me Lord to slow down
and listen to the pitter patter of those precious feet.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Very Windy Harvest Party and Dedication of the New School

Isabel and her friend all dressed up for games and fun. 
No frills, no fluff, simple games, and no American candy...
but the kids love it anyway.  All they need is each other.

"Leaving a Legacy"  
Instead of painting faces this year, I felt the children who attended the school here should leave their mark on the wall of our newly bought school.  Later I want to write their names below their handprint as a reminder that they can make a difference in this school, community, and country. 

Laura Grace as a hair stylist (the pockets of her apron
were filled with brushes, products, and foil) and
her friend as Queen Esther

Second year in a row to be a pirate. There were no complaints from Benjamin.

Celebrating Caleb's 13 Birthday!

There is just something different about a birthday overseas.
For one, it's simple.  Two, everyone you invite comes because
there is nothing else to do.  Three, everyone talks
about the party weeks later and the fun they had.  And last, 
there is nothing that compares to friendships with other
kids who live overseas.

The annual lego competition.  

Benjamin deciding on what he will create.

Having fun with "Minute to Win It" Games

I can't believe it has been 13 years since we
held you in our arms and welcomed you into the
world.  We love you so much Caleb and are
so proud of the young man God is forming you into.