Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fun Saturdays At Compass

One Saturday a month our family spends the day at Compass hanging out with members. This particular Saturday was spent chatting, cooking, watching a movie, and playing a game of spoons! We watched the movie "The Ultimate Gift" which is about a spoiled rich kid who inherits his grandfather's fortune, but not until completing a list of jobs that teach lifelong lessons. The kids even love taking part in the games and cooking!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


This year the school had their first annual Jump-a-thon! The students were divided into their "house" teams (red, blue, yellow, and green)and had at least 4 jumping from their team at a time. They jumped for an hour and raised about $1000 dollars. The money will go towards helping a home that houses homeless girls in our city.